Does Eyebrow Microblading Hurt?

Does Eyebrow Microblading Hurt

Microblading is a cosmetic procedure that involves the application of a semi-permanent tattoo to the brow area, making brows appear fuller and thicker. 

One of the first questions many prospective Microblading clients have when they hear the words ‘semi-permanent tattoo’ is whether the procedure will hurt. 

We’ll be answering your questions about Microblading pain levels and imparting some of our top tips for minimizing soreness in today’s article, so stay tuned!

How Painful is Microblading Eyebrows? 

The main thing to bear in mind when it comes to Microblading pain is that pain is a very subjective feeling and concept. 

What might constitute unbearable pain for one person could be entirely manageable for another person. So, ultimately, the amount of pain you’ll experience during your Microblading session will come down to your personal pain threshold. 

However, we know that wasn’t exactly the answer you’re looking for, so let’s use the experience of the majority of Microblading clients as a basis for how much pain you can expect from the procedure. 

Although Microblading is not a particularly comfortable process, the good news is that most clients report feeling only mild discomfort. 

The Microblading tool (also known as a Microblading pen) used to transfer pigment to the eyebrows consists of multiple small needles, almost like a small-scale tattoo gun. What is Eyebrow Lamination?

Contrary to the alarming images that the word ‘blading’ might conjure up, having your eyebrows Microbladed should not produce a cutting sensation. Most people simply feel a type of pressure in the area or a scratching sensation. 

While Microblading doesn’t feel extremely painful for most people, Microblading sessions can take up to 2 hours from start to finish. Can Microblading Be Removed?. Having a needle scratching away at your brow area for this long can feel quite annoying or irritating. 

Surprisingly enough, the majority of the pain experienced by most people who have had their eyebrows Microbladed occurs after the fact, either during the healing process or during removal. Can Microblading Cause Scarring?

Usually, the healing time for Microblading is between 25 and 30 days, and during this period, you can expect some tenderness and itching.

The itching is due to the fact that, in order to heal itself, the skin of your brow area will be scabbing over and peeling away. 

This is usually the extent of the healing discomfort for most clients, but in some cases, an allergic reaction can be triggered by the Microblading ink. This type of reaction usually manifests as redness and swelling in the area. 

If you don’t like the results produced by your Microblading session and can’t wait for the ink to fade out, your options for removal are laser treatment and Microneedling.

Both of these options are likely to be more painful than the initial Microblading procedure itself. 

Microneedling involves dragging needles across the Microbladed area to create small incisions and release the pigment. Laser treatment, meanwhile, typically feels like a rubber band being snapped against the skin. 

What Hurts More: Tattoo or Microblading?

Generally speaking, Microblading is less painful than a standard tattoo procedure. This is primarily because the Microblading tool used by Microblading specialists has fewer needles than a tattoo gun, so the sensation is less intense. 

The pressure of the Microblading tool is also less than that of a tattoo gun because the former is a handheld tool and not a machine. 

You can also expect some bleeding with the linework of a standard tattoo, whereas Microblading should not break the skin to this extent. Therefore, you can be fairly confident that the pain of Microblading won’t be as bad

How Can I Make Microblading Less Painful?

If you’re worried about the pain of getting your eyebrows Microbladed, or if you’ve already had them done and are feeling sore, rest assured that there are a few things you can do to alleviate the discomfort. Do Eyebrows Grow Back?

Prior to your Microblading session, you can ask your technician or specialist to apply some numbing cream (also known as anesthetic cream) to the area. This will help to minimize any irritation or pain during the actual procedure. 

During the healing process, you will need to be very careful with what products you apply to your skin and how often you touch your brows. 

Anything that could potentially irritate your skin or impede the healing process should be strictly avoided. So, you should avoid touching your brows as much as possible and refrain from applying any makeup for 14 days. 

We also recommend laying off the strenuous exercise for a couple of weeks, since excessive sweating can interfere with your healing. Try to keep the area dry while showering and bathing if you can, although we understand that this can be tricky. 

By doing all of the above, you will not only be helping your brows to heal as efficiently as possible, but you’ll also be reducing your risk of irritation, which will help to keep discomfort to a minimum. 

One product that you can safely apply to your brows during the healing time, however, is coconut oil. This will help to ease any uncomfortable dryness and itching. Apply very small amounts either once or twice a day.

Final Thoughts 

Microblading can be an uncomfortable and irritating procedure, but the pain shouldn’t be as bad as a traditional tattoo. 

Microblading tools use fewer needles than tattoo guns, and they are not mechanized, so you can expect less pressure and abrasion of the skin. 

Typically, Microblading feels like a scratching sensation or pressure on the brow bone. Your skin will likely feel irritated after up to 2 hours of this process, but the discomfort should still be fairly minimal. 

Experiencing significant pain during or after a Microblading session is usually a sign of an allergic reaction, and medical attention should be sought in this case. 

To make Microblading more comfortable, you can ask your specialist to apply some anesthetic cream to numb the area. During the healing process, you can reduce itching and dryness by applying sparing amounts of coconut oil to the brow area.

Remember, everybody experiences pain differently, so your experience of Microblading in terms of pain may be better or worse than average. The most important thing is to stick to a careful aftercare routine to minimize pain in the aftermath.